Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brief Primer on Types of Pearl Jewelry Today

Saltwater Pearls: shellfish, which live in saltwater to produce the bodies of salt water pearls. Typical marine environments such as oceans and seas to promote the formation of pearls. Most saltwater pearls are today comes from around the coast of Bahrain in the sea. Saltwater pearls are generally larger, more smooth and round, and usually more expensive than freshwater pearls. Saltwater pearls are also grown in protected lagoons and atolls.

It is important to know that the "fake" or "faux" pearls are widely sold in the market today. These beads are not pearls at all, and have no connection with the molluscs. They are created from a factory somewhere with artificial materials. Reputable dealers mark them as such, fake pearls, and unscrupulous dealers will try to keep them off as genuine pearls.

Cultured pearls: natural gem or you really depends on the stimulation, which promotes the introduction of pearl. In this case, to be irritant to cause the development of the pearl is introduced in a man. A small ball can be inserted in the clam mantle, causing secretion of nacre and pearl formation. Various techniques are used for freshwater pearls. A small incision is made in the clam mantle, and a small fragment of tissue of different mollusk is included in the section, causing the formation of pearls. A typical host oyster may have 12-15 of these sections, and therefore produce more gems. Cultured pearls, oysters may remain in the host for periods of several months to several years. Obviously, the longer the pearl remains within the oyster, the higher quality (and expensive!) Pearls.

Freshwater pearls in oysters and clams, which live in fresh water bodies such as ponds and lakes in the production of freshwater pearls. Freshwater pearls were first discovered in China, while China continues to be a leading producer of freshwater pearls in the world. Freshwater clams, which produces these pearls are found in warm waters, and the cooler water, such as Scotland.

Pearls are formed through the hard shell of the oyster. When foreign particles such as particles of sand or a parasite enters the soft tissues of oysters being, recognizes it as a threat. As a defensive mechanism that raises oysters from secretion called nacre. Pearl covers foreign particle concentric thin layers. Layers eventually hardens, and pearl is formed. All of a pearl is basically composed of the same process. Pearl of the difference stems from the types of oysters and place of the original foreign body or irritant that stimulates the development of the introduction of pearl.

Pearls plays an important role in today's fashion jewelry in the world. However, if you choose, you can probably buy a string of pearls for less than $ 50, while others can cost several thousand dollars! And the jargon used to describe the pearl market is just as broad and complex, as the pricing! So what are the types of pearls on the market today, and what makes some of the pearls more affordable than others? This article was written to help you navigate through a wide range of terminology used to describe pearls.

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Natural Pearls: A Natural pearls of introducing a foreign body or irritating process is left to chance, without human intervention. Parasite or other foreign body within the clam shell (usually through feeding) and stimulates the release of the clam pearl, which in turn leads to the formation of pearls. Because this process is only left to chance, natural pearls are quite rare and therefore quite expensive. Usually, one mollusk will only produce a natural jewel of a time yet to maximize its rarity and value. Natural can be found in fresh or brackish waters or bodies.

Published at Sooper Articles

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